Lacrosse in Nova Scotia

Box lacrosse is played indoors on a dry-floor arena or in an outdoor rink. A team will floor five players at a time, plus a goalie, changing lines often. There is varied body contact at different age groups: players wear upper body gear similar to hockey. A 30-second shot clock ensures fast turnovers of ball possession.

The season runs from April to early July. Watch for off-season new player and high performance development opportunities in your club region, or through Lacrosse Nova Scotia.

Minor box lacrosse in the Halifax Regional Municipality

The Metro Minor Lacrosse League plays in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Register with your local club by checking league boundaries. We have clubs that play in HalifaxSt. Margaret's BaySackvilleDartmouth and Eastern Shore.  This league is for players 5-16.  Contact info is found here. 

Minor box lacrosse through Nova Scotia

The Scotia Minor Lacrosse League has clubs in the Annapolis Valley, TruroPictou and Cape Breton. This league is for players 5-16.  

Junior box lacrosse

The East Coast Junior Lacrosse League has five co-ed division teams and three female division teams in Nova Scotia for athletes 21 and under (there is a team in each division from New Brunswick). Most players are drafted from minor age divisions, but there are opportunities to try-out for a team.

Senior box lacrosse in Halifax Regional Municipality

The Nova Scotia Senior Lacrosse League plays in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Players are 22+.

Indigenous lacrosse

The Indigenous Players Lacrosse Association offers programming throughout Nova Scotia.

Special needs lacrosse

The Nova Scotia Special Needs Lacrosse Club offers programming in the Halifax Regional Municipality.


What are the rules of box lacrosse?


What equipment  do I need?


Field lacrosse is played on an outdoor field. A co-ed team will field 10 players at a time, following many of the same skills and body contact guidance found in box lacrosse; a women's team will also field 10 players, but is non-contact. Both games focus on ball possession, passing and speed.

The season runs from August to October. Watch for off-season new player and high performance development opportunities through leagues or Lacrosse Nova Scotia.

Coed field lacrosse

The Nova Scotia Field Lacrosse League plays in the Halifax Regional Municipality. There is programming for U11 to U19 age divisions.

Female field lacrosse

The Bluenose Women's Field Lacrosse League plays in the Halifax Regional Municipality. There is programming for U11, U13, U15 and U19 age divisions, plus a age 5-8 mini program.

University field lacrosse

The Maritime University Field Lacrosse League has five teams throughout the Maritimes. The Maritime Women's University Field Lacrosse League has four teams in Nova Scotia. The season runs from early September into November. Watch for August training camp opportunities.


What are the rules of field lacrosse?




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